Search Engine Optimisation in Shropshire 

If you’re looking for  Search Engine Optimisation in Shropshire, our in-house team of qualified SEO experts are here to assist you. We are a full-service marketing agency which means we not only build and design your new website, we also optimisie your website. We consider SEO from the outset, as it is fundamental to any website’s success in terms of generating new enquiries and sales.

What is SEO?

Search Optimisation (or SEO) is the art of making your website as ‘search engine friendly’ as possible to improve the likelihood of your website pages ranking for relevant Internet search terms. This is what our SEO services focus on.

Put simply, you are a ‘small luxury hotel located in Shrewsbury’, if someone uses Google to search for ‘boutique hotels in Shropshire’, you want to appear on the first page of search results!

Delivering SEO Services in Shropshire

Search engines have two major functions – crawling website pages and building an index. Using this information, the search engine can provide search users with a ranked list of the websites they have determined as the most relevant.

The art of modern SEO is to create a website page that delivers the most relevant answer, or response to the searcher’s query. It’s important to note at this stage that there is no definitive way of doing this, Google does not publish its ranking factors, however, leading SEO experts have created a list of ‘best SEO practices’ based on industry experience and testing.

Our Search Engine Optimisation Services, embrace these best practices as part of our comprehensive website design and development services.

SEO on-page ranking factors

These factors are directly within the web developers control and are fundamental considerations when Reech is designing, developing and populating a new website.

Whilst all ranking factors are important, it is widely agreed that the following are most important:

Content Quality

It is essential that each website page is well-written and contains substantial and relevant copy. Poor, and or irrelevant copy will blight the search engine performance of your new website. This is why Reech offers a complete website content creation service, delivered by Optimised Copywriting Experts. Keeping a website fresh is also essential, updating it with new content regularly. This is one of the key services our Reech Relationship clients enjoy, whilst they focus on running their businesses!

Website Architecture

Web development best practice is key here. As it is essential that your new website is:

  • Easy to crawl (avoid flash, long nonsense URLs etc);
  • Mobile-optimised (responsive) so offer a good user experience regardless of the size of device it is being viewed on;
  • Avoids (or effectively manages) duplicate content;
  • Loads quickly.
  • HTML
  • Your website pages need to have relevant title tags and meta descriptions, with content structured effectively using headlines and subheads … all standard stuff if Reech is developing your new website.

SEO off-page ranking factors

These are ultimately determined by readers, visitors and other publishers … but a strategy to capture these is an important part of any marketing plan. Links and shares from trusted sources and domain history and age are important here.

All too often we are approached by businesses looking for SEO services, who have commissioned expensive new websites that are simply not working, whilst we will always try to help, it’s like a house, if the foundations are weak, everything else built upon them will be shaky!